Rule's FREE Animated Button Gifs

(Plus a sample of JavaScript on/off buttons)

I've made this page because I remember the days of browsing through the net looking for cool animated buttons and finding some, but most were corny and if they were something I wanted to actually use, there was some catch to it. Well, these are ALL free! Heck, download these and alter them ALL you want! You're more than welcome to. You could even say YOU made them! Well, I just had a little extra time on my hands to make these animated gif buttons and I'm gonna try and add more when I can. Hey, if ya find any of these buttons useful, you could be a good sport and link this site to your page. Ok... you don't have to. ;-) But it would be a nice gesture, a way of saying thanks. =-) These buttons aren't spectacular or anything, but they're free, no copyrights, no nothing, and I know there are a lot of us out there that are always looking for a few more choices for jazzy animated buttons to make a home page stand out. Oh.. and NO.. you don't have to link this page to your site. No strings attached. It didn't hurt to ask though. ;-) As you'll see, I used some of the same effects repetitively. They where all made with a combination of Adobe Photoshop and Gif Builder. Oops... I almost forgot, I originally made the balls with Ray Dream 3D. Then I used some filters in Photoshop to make them animated. Filters like "ripple", "motion blur" and "spherize". And the obvious feature I used on those squashing buttons is the scaling feature. ;-) Would you like to learn more about how to make animated gifs? Go here and seek my web design links!

Eggshell animated gifs (4)
Radioactive animated gifs (4)
Red Bulb animated gifs (4)
Motion blur animated gifs (2)
Blinking animated gifs (3)

Now here are some human animated gifs that my brother (August) made. These, I DID NOT create! These are here just to show you what can be done with the combination of Gif Builder and Ray Dream Designer.

Young child walking. "kid animated gif" kid.gif
Business man floating. "twirp animated gif" twirp.gif
Business man sneaking around. "sneaky animated gif" sneaky.gif
Wire frame man. "running animated gif" Runnins.gif

I've also created a link for my brother and his artwork done in Adobe Photoshop, Ray Dream Designer, Bryce and Poser. Check it out!!

Making Buttons animated using JavaScript

Also, if JavaScripting and the OnMouseOver and OnMouseOut function fascinates you, I added a page to help you somewhat on doing that too. If you're viewing the frames version of this page, that's what I used to do those cheesy On/Off buttons up there in the top frame. Go here (Demo of JavaScript On/Off Buttons) and it might just help some of you figure it out. But beware, it takes some time to understand what is going on with JavaScript and it takes some understanding HTML code. I hope the page helps! :-)

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